“Your faith was never meant to be boring. But instead we believe it should be advancing and thriving.”
The Forward Disciple is on a mission to mobilize this generation to live out our calling, live for our communities and live from our culture. Living out your calling answers the question: “Why am I here?” Living for your community answers the question: “How do I relate? Living from the culture answers the question: How can I make a difference? We are determined to follow Christ beyond a one-time decision towards a life of ‘Forward discipleship.
The Forward Disciple believes in living your faith ‘Forward as a modern believer. We are a discipleship platform that focuses on personal inspiration and spiritual formation. We believe in advancing in your faith, with your friendships and towards you future. God says in the great commandment that we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, strength and love your neighbor as yourself. The Forward Disciple takes this seriously by specifically focusing on these 5 areas of the modern believer: spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and relational parts of your life.
What does The Forward Disciple mean?
The Forward Disciple is about rallying this generation of Christians who are passionate to discover our design and fulfill our purpose as we move and “make noise” of the "Good News" of a good future for everyone. It has never been more critical to engage in honest, meaningful and life-giving conversations about faith as we are inspired to live out our calling, encouraged live for our community and intentional to live from our culture. Our passion is Jesus, our marching orders are love and our heart is global as we follow Christ into the good and the bad and we take others with us. We are determined to follow Christ beyond a decision into a life of discipleship so we encounter Christ regularly to be an encounter of Christ to others regularly.
Each month we write a new post in a series collectively called The New Young Christian. These posts are written as a response to the questions and conflicts we have as those living in and leading forward the next generation of Christians in today's culture. It has never been more critical to engage in honest, meaningful and life-giving conversations about faith and culture. Click the "leadership journal" link above to find out what we are talking about in the journal to inspire your calling, transform your community and restore culture as The Forward Disciple. If it adds value to you, please feel free to share it with others and spread the word.
Christianity doesn’t always line up with our friends, our interests, our work or our weekends. Our contemporary culture and our Biblical faith can come to blows at times. That’s why it has never been more critical to engage in honest, meaningful and life-giving conversations about faith as we are living our our calling, living in our community and living from our culture. This field guide is our clarity as modern disciples. Discover how you can follow Christ beyond a one-time decision of accepting Jesus into a life-long journey of discipleship with Jesus.
If you’re interested in more articles and written inspiration that is similar to the book I’ve written, feel free to check out the link below for some of what I’ve been working on this past year.
We have We all have times in our lives when we have to hear the facts. To speak the truth with love is a Scriptural virtue we probably all will have to engage in at some point in our lives. Sometimes we need someone to get in our face and speak it like it is. Because sometimes we feel too emotional about it and we need someone who isn’t “feeling it” like we are. Sometimes we make it too complicated and we need someone to simplify it and call us back to the basics. Sometimes we are too close to it and we need that moment of clarity to get us back to what it’s really about.
The BLUNT book is choosing to be “blunt” on 7 specific areas in your Christian life. These areas are 7 common spiritual themes where life has made them complicated, sensitive and dramatic. And we have broken them down into a handful of easy, bite-sized paragraphs to chew on or you could just swallow them whole. We are choosing to be “downright in your face” about some of these topics we face and are wanting to call it like we see it. To share it like we think it. To hear it even when it’s difficult. This is your moment to “rip the band-aid off” and face it. These 7 specific areas and chapters in the book are here: forgiveness, shame, holiness, conflict, calling, comparison and contentment. Unpack each theme in this book as a daily devotional. Or choose to consider each theme as weekly inspiration and give it deep thought and draw you closer to Jesus.
Rogue Saints run head-first into Christian skepticism. We choose to show the authenticity of Jesus by winning hearts not arguments. We are “theological renegades” who believe the most powerful apologetic is you. So let your faith run wild and “GO ROGUE.”
Sometimes as Christians, we don’t necessarily “read the room” when it comes to engaging in spiritual conversations. Culture is having spiritual conversations that Christians aren’t invited into because we are giving answers to questions that aren’t being asked. Maybe instead of giving answers maybe we should stop for a moment and ask ourselves a question: “What is the right response for those who are outsiders of faith who need the redemptive work of Christ in their lives?” Rogue Saints will help modern disciples answer this question so we can become better at answering cultural questions and drawing others closer to Jesus. More information coming soon….
We regularly write blog posts to encourage you. These posts are written as a response to the questions and conflicts we have as those living in and leading forward the next generation of Christians in today's culture. It has never been more critical to engage in honest, meaningful and life-giving conversations about faith and culture. Click the "leadership journal" link below to find out what we are talking about in the journal to inspire your calling, transform your community and restore culture as The Forward Disciple. If it adds value to you, please feel free to share it with others and spread the word.
What does The Forward Disciple value?
We value belonging before believing, spreading ideas not division, chasing callings rather than careers, choosing responsibility over opportunity, never holding back love from anyone ever, having conversations not confrontations, caring more about who you are as a person rather than what you do as a person, choosing future reward over present comforts and letting authenticity lead us forward in everything we do.
RŌG Saints is part of The Forward Disciple as an apologetics platform. We choose to engage culture enthusiastically to challenge the “cultural norms” with reason, respect and relationship. A RŌG Saint runs head-first into Christian skepticism. Without love we are nothing so we choose to show the authenticity of Jesus by winning hearts not arguments. We are “theological renegades” who believe the most powerful apologetic is you. So let your faith run wild and “GO RŌG.”
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
We believe reason, respect and relationship are the 3 “must-have’s” when you are talking with others who believe differently than you. Each one supports the other with the balance of talking and listening.
“Contend earnestly for the faith which was once and for all handed down to the saints.”
How To Better Engage In The Conversation of Racism
This Is Why I’m Not Crazy For Believing In Jesus
What About Those Who Have Never Heard About Jesus?
Can I practice tolerance and christianity?
Why I Stopped Labeling As Secular or Christian And Started Simply Living For Jesus
How To Quite Porn Once and for All
How To Talk About Race, Gender and Other Cultural Controversies as a Christian
Stop Giving Up on Faith To Find Sex
Stop Telling Me I’m Judging You When I’m Loving You
I Wish the Church Would Talk More About Sex
Following Jesus When I Don’t Feel Like It
My Friend is Gay So How Do I Relate As A Christian?
How To Know If You Are Dating A Boy or A Man
Navigating the Overwhelming Political Climate
Why I Am Not Following A God of Rules
“The most powerful apologetic is you.”
One: Subscribe to “The Forward Disciple” and get regular content to give you “public square confidence” for your Mars Hill moments.
Two: Let the “defenders unite” in your community and build your own tribe of “theological renegades” to venture into the darkest and most difficult places and share the hope of Jesus.
Three: Host a monthly “Food For Thought” table discussion on themes that matter to your community by rallying the defenders and skeptics to start a conversation (and enjoy some good food and drink to make it a win-win).