Humility doesn’t makes sense in our world. Humility calls for you to be courteous, respectful and patient in a world that is shrill, disrespectful and intolerant. So to be humble is to be unreasonable. Humility goes against the grain of reason because this virtue compels you to not think about yourself in a world that is obsessed with itself. Go against the grain. Place a value on people over perceptions, responsibility over immaturity and personal dignity over personal drive. Humility understanding you don’t need the attention. It’s putting others first. It’s encouraging others to believe bigger and become better. It is living in the enjoyment of life that comes when others around you are thriving. True humility means looking out for the interests of the collective good over your own personal gain. It’s considering others better than yourself and other’s needs bigger than your own. Be humble by being consumed with being cheerful and insightful individuals who take a genuine interest in the affairs and the affections of others.
“Humility places a value on people over perceptions, responsibility over immaturity and personal dignity over personal drive”
Humility is not denying your strengths but embracing your weaknesses. It’s discovering there are great parts about you along with your flaws. The more honest you are about your strengths and weaknesses, the more humble you will become. Humility is not thinking "less of me" but thinking "more about God”. The more you discover God’s love for you, the more grateful you will be for a life saved by grace and receiving it … without achieving it. Compelling you to live a life of confidence in God and not in yourself. A confidence in God attributes credit to God for your successes and accepting your own failures. It's connecting all your blessings back to God and celebrating all your successes because of God. The more comfortable I am with being me the more I don't need others to approve me. I draw less attention to myself and give more attention to others. False humility is an evasive “I’m nobody” with continued deflections in the face of sincere compliments. True humility is an enthusiastic “you’re somebody” with graceful appreciation because of sincere compliments.
“A humble person is driven to develop others and not be threatened by others. ”
Humility is security. It’s saying you don’t have to be the loudest, the brightest or the biggest in the room. Humility says I get to improve you. Insecurity says I have to impress you. So, make your life less about appearances to others and more about the advancement of others. Humility compels you to surrender and make choices that are centered on the advancement of the mission instead of being clouded by the obsession of your own name. A humble person is driven to develop others and not be threatened by others. It’s the difference between selfish ambition and Godly ambition. The result of pride is resistance from God. The result of humility is acceptance from God. Grace is the ultimate expression of God’s acceptance and favor in a person’s life. Giving anyone who surrenders to it a supernatural confidence. It is a confidence that with God, you can do anything for anyone. A humble person is confident with the grace received to understand that who they are and what they will ever do is dependent on who God is and what God will ever do. Don’t mistake confidence for arrogance. Arrogance is endorsing what has been achieved through your own efforts but confidence is celebrating what has been accomplished through God’s.
“Don’t mistake confidence for arrogance.”
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